While enrolling in classes at LCF I was given four mandatory classes that would transfer back to SU. In addition to those four, I was able to pick one class as an elective that peaked my interest. The four assigned classes were called Theoretical & Contemporary Fashion Studies (TCFS), Intermediate Draping, Fashion History & Artefact (FHA), and British Cultural Studies (BCS). The additional class I chose to take was called Start a Fashion Label. TCFS met at 9am-11am on Monday in a big lecture hall at the John Princes Street location of LCF located in Oxford Circus. This class consisted of group projects, presentations, and essays. Intermediate Draping met at 2pm- 6pm on Tuesday at the Lime Grove location of LCF which is located in Shepherd’s Bush. This class was held in a studio classroom with big cutting tables, sewing machines, and dress forms. Throughout this course I had learned new draping techniques and became more comfortable with my ability to create patterns for sewing through draping. FHA met at 1pm-3pm at different locations each Wednesday. This class was super cool to me because it consisted of guided visits to historical sites and museums in London. In this class and BCS, we were told to keep a journal, not only for a grade, but for inspiration and creative purposes. BCS met at 10am-12pm at different locations every Thursday. This class was more like a walking tour of London we went to different cities in London and learned about the history and current reputations of each place. This class was very much about the social lifestyle and trends we would see in the different cities that make each part of London so unique. Lastly, Start a Fashion Label met on Thursdays from 1pm-3pm in a smaller classroom at the John Princes street location of LCF. I chose this class because as a fashion design major with an entrepreneurship minor, this class incorporated both aspects of business and design. In this class we paired up and created our own businesses from scratch by creating business plans and financial cost sheets. All of these classes I took were taught by professionals who were/ are in the industry. Each professor was so knowledgeable and incredible in helping me learn in different ways than I was used to.