Leaving London... ASAP!

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In the past few weeks leading up to March 15th, which is when I sadly departed London to go home, abroad programs were being sent home from Italy and Spain. All of us in London felt like the end to our program was inevitable and coming way sooner than any of us would’ve liked. When I got back from Paris on March 7th my friends and I decided that we wouldn’t let any day to go to waste because everything was so up in the air and the coronavirus was spreading rapidly. At this point in time we had no clue what this virus really was, and we went about our normal day lives using the tube, standing in crowds, eating at restaurants etc.… A few things I got to check off of the bucket list right before our program was cut short was going to a Broadway show and going to this fun club called Mahiki. After spring break my classes resumed on Wednesday the 11th. So before then I went to go see the show Waitress with the lead being singer/songwriter Sara Bareilles and it was an amazing experience and I am so happy that I was able to see it, not to mention I was in the front row (great seats). My friends and I were also determined to go to this club called Mahiki which is famous for their Monday nights. We didn’t get to go any other time and were so excited that we all made time from our busy school schedules to go to THE Mahiki Monday. It was such a cool club with tiki bar vibes and I definitely recommend/ hope to be back. The last few days before my flight early on the 15th I made sure to go to my classes and thank my professors for the wonderful experience they had provided. My friends and I would meet up somewhere new after school to walk around and shop and we made sure to go to new restaurants and pubs, so we felt like we didn’t miss anything. I truly had the best abroad experience and I know that I will be back in London to see even more of it. Abroad has helped me to mature in ways that I didn’t know were possible, I made so many new friends and memories that I will forever be grateful for.